If you have your data stored in PostGIS you can do it directly in the
To get a new table with the snapped points and the line attribudes you
can run:
CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point AS
SELECT distinct on (linetable.id) linetable.*,
ST_ClosestPoint(linetable.geom, pointtable.geom) as snapped_point
ORDER BY ST_Distance(linetable.geom, pointtable.geom);
Something like that.
But this will be slow if you have many points and polygons. Then you can
use ST_Dwithin to speed it up if you know how far away the line and
point can be that should be snapped. Say you don't want to snap longer
than 100 meters then:
CREATE TABLE line_attribute_point AS
SELECT distinct on (linetable.id) linetable.*,
ST_ClosestPoint(linetable.geom, pointtable.geom) as snapped_point
linetable INNER JOIN pointtable on ST_Dwithin(linetable.geom,
pointtable.geom, 100)
ORDER BY ST_Distance(linetable.geom, pointtable.geom);
Something like that.
Hi Cameron
Two suggestions, but not an excact solution:
You can use the mmqgis plugin and select "Hub Distance". With this you can transfer an attribute (or an ID and then use a join afterwards) to a pointlayer from the nearest line in a linelayer.
But be aware that "nearest" line will be based only on a "centre point" for the line and if your lines are very curved or of varying lengths you may not get the expected result.
You might use the "Vector-Geometry Tools-Extract Nodes" to convert your line layer to a point layer and use this point layer as the Hublayer instead of the line layer.
Anybody knows an excact method?