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Bookmarklet Remove YouTube adblocking popups
After a while, Youtube displays a popup asking users to turn off the ad blocker.
Today I encountered a situation where Youtube went one step further and did not allow this popup to be turned off at all. So I had the idea to quickly create a Bookmarklet to turn off this popup
function getElementByXpath(path) {
return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
console.log( getElementByXpath("/html/body/ytd-app/ytd-popup-container") );
var t1=getElementByXpath("/html/body/ytd-app/ytd-popup-container");
Update Auto Play after remove popup
// create a new keyboard event and set the key to "Key K"
// Key K is Youtube shortcut to play/pause video
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: 'K',
code: 'KeyK',
which: 75,
keyCode: 75,
// dispatch the event on some DOM element
Make Bookmarklet
function getElementByXpath(path) {
return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
var t1=getElementByXpath("/html/body/ytd-app/ytd-popup-container");
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: 'K',
code: 'KeyK',
which: 75,
keyCode: 75,
How to add Bookmarklet
- Bookmark any link
- Edit the Bookmark, change URL to Bookmarklet script
- Enjoy the result
When Youtube show popup, you only need to click on the bookmark to remove it!