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My git repo
This is my note to work with indexedDB
I used lib from here:
AngularJS IndexedDB Cheatset
Declare App
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['indexedDB']);
Create Database
db.createObjectStore(storeName, options);
Declare a database
store.createIndex(indexName, keyPath, options);
Declare index for search able fields
app.config(function ($indexedDBProvider) { $indexedDBProvider .connection('myIndexedDB') .upgradeDatabase(1, function(event, db, tx){ var objStore = db.createObjectStore('people', {keyPath: 'id',autoIncrement: true}); //Primary is id //primary is autoIncrement //store.createIndex(indexName, keyPath, options); objStore.createIndex('name_idx', 'name', {unique: false}); objStore.createIndex('country_idx', 'country', {unique: false}); }); });
Insert single record
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ store.insert({"name": "John Doe2", "country": "Norway"}).then(function(e){ console.log('Da insert'); }); });
Insert an array
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ var names = [ {name:'Jani',country:'Norway'}, {name:'Carl',country:'Sweden'}, {name:'Margareth',country:'England'}, {name:'Hege',country:'Norway'}, {name:'Joe',country:'Denmark'}, {name:'Gustav',country:'Sweden'}, {name:'Birgit',country:'Denmark'}, {name:'Mary',country:'England'}, {name:'Kai',country:'Norway'} ]; store.insert(names).then(function(e){ // do something }); });
Select all records
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ store.getAll().then(function(peoples) { // Assign vaiable to scope $scope.objects = peoples; }); });
Get all key
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ store.getAllKeys().then(function(e){ $scope.primaryKeys = e; }); });
Delete all
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ store.clear().then(function(){ // do something }); });
Delete a record
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(store){ //delete obj id=2 store.delete(2).then(function(){ // do something }); });
Count records
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(peoples){ peoples.count().then(function(e){ console.log(e); }); });
Search - Find
Search item where id=9
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(peoples){ peoples.find(9).then(function(e){ console.log(e); }); });
Build a query
- $lt(value) - less than
- $gt(value) - greater than
- $lte(value) - less than or equal
- $gte(value) - greater than or equal
- $eq(value) - equal
- $between(lower, upper, doNotIncludeLowerBound? true/false, doNotIncludeUpperBound true/false) - between two bounds
- $desc(unique) - descending order
- $asc(unique) - ascending order
- $index(value) - name of index
Find all records with country = "Norway"
$indexedDB.openStore('people', function(peoples){ var find = peoples.query(); //find=find.$eq(5); //find=find.$lt(3); //console.log(find); //find = find.$index("name_idx"); //Find in country, key = Norway find=find.$index("country_idx"); find=find.$eq("Norway"); //update scope peoples.eachWhere(find).then(function(e){ console.log(e); $scope.people = e; }); });
That's all, hope it useful for you^^
(But I'm still finding a way to help search text like .. like "%blabla%"