Table of Contents
[IONIC] Error: cannot find symbol variable LOLLIPOP
Cannot find symbol variable LOLLIPOP error: cannot find symbol
[cordova] D:\sync\websvr\ionic\current\chatchit_chatbot_mobile\platforms\android\app\src\main\java\com\ionicframework\cordova\webview\ error: cannot find symbol
[cordova] @RequiresApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
[cordova] ^
[cordova] symbol: class RequiresApi
[cordova] location: class IonicWebViewEngine.ServerClient
[cordova] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[cordova] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[cordova] 2 errors
[cordova] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[cordova] * What went wrong:
[cordova] Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
[cordova] > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Fix IONIC cannot find symbol variable LOLLIPOP
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter
Finally, the issue got resolved by installing above plug-in.