Fix docker application stop when window goes to sleep

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Fix docker application stop when window goes to sleep

A dockerized DOC application is running on Windows 10. After some time during which the computer has switched to sleep-mode, the application stopped working.
The problem is that security tokens are created in the past making them invalid as soon as they are shared between micro-services.


This is due to a problem with Docker on Windows: the containers have their clock desynchronized from the actual computer clock causing dates inside the containers to be late compared to the actual date of the system.

Use the Windows PowerShell ISE in admin mode to issue the following commands:

Disable-VMIntegrationService -VMName DockerDesktopVM -Name "Time Synchronization"
Enable-VMIntegrationService -VMName DockerDesktopVM -Name "Time Synchronization"


Windows PowerShell ISE

This will synchronize the clock of the different containers to the current time.

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